Point Systems
Fixed week conversion to Diamond points...is it worth the conversion cost and additional yearly fee ?
Apr 06, 2010
Apr 06, 2010
Apr 06, 2010
I had a salesman visit me and wife at home to talk to us about converting our fixed week TS to points. It was not a high pressure sale but you sure are made to feel as you'll miss the boat if you don't sign up . I was quoted $2900+ to convert my two bedroom unit for 16000 points. A lot more than if you converted Hilton or other group. He also subtly said we also pay $230 more per year. This is higher than RCI or II yearly fee. I passed on the offer but I felt I should research. Any advice...especially from owners that have transferred would be appreciated.
I am a Polo Towers owner and sat through a high pressure, aggressive sales presentation on my last visit during 2009. It makes no sense to me to hand over my deeded week for mystery points and to pay for doing so. Shouldn't they be paying us??? I use my week at Polo about every other year and get excellent trades through II the rest of the time. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the response. It helps to know I'm not alone. My TS is at the Polo Tower Villas and I feel the same way. I can see a benefit to being in point system but why charge so much to convert. Hilton charges around $399 to convert to points. Diamond wants to resell us our own TS to us.
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