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Original Message:

Re: Total Resort Solutions not Resort Solutions (by Robert Brooke B.):

We received a cold call from Total Resort Solutions on November 10, 2014,asking us to give them $1899. up front for advertising and admin costs. For this "paltry" sum they "promised" to advertise in electronic and paper media, for a period of 6 months. They stated that they were not in any way timeshare brokers or renters, they would just facilitate the rental of a minimum of 4 weeks at $ 1500.(US) total $ 6000., by bringing us together, mainly with corporate tenants. We would do the negotiations and provide them with the reservation #'s ,etc. We wrote & spoke to II; they stated in their reply that any commercial use of the "getaway" weeks was forbidden in our contract with them and COULD result in cancellation of our reservations as well as our membership - it appears that II can make money on these weeks, but no one else should- All this to say, we are not proceeding with signing their contract, which was emailed to us the same day, in spite of a follow up call from their "Sales Manager" who implied that they know it's frowned upon, but hey, what a great way to make $6000. (less of course the $1899. as well as transfer fees, $ 800+/-? etc. charged by lI) The upfront money is the scary part, because as the Sales manager said, we could always join RCI.! If it seems to good to be true.......

Brooke Briggs, Perth, ON. CA