Time share Hotlist

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Time share Hotlist (by R P.):

tinam215 wrote:
Did you really have success with Timeshare Hot List? You are not an employee are you? With all the negative stuff out there about these companies just taking your money and getting nothing in return I'm just skeptical. I have an agreement with one currently and have not really generated anything. I'm considering THL. This would be my second attempt at contracting with one of these companies. Finding the one company that can deliver is exhausting. Like finding a needle in a hay stack. They talk a real game. But everything says don't pay any upfront fee's and if it too good to be true it probably is. I have a Westgate Towncenter in Orlando with a floating week with unlimited getaways and they are currently putting me in the pool with a potential of 10 rentals netting me $1,450 or $14,500 and I'm just looking for someone that will tell me they are legite, I mean you could but can I really be sure? Please help with any insight you can give me.

ALL UPFRONT FEE timeshare resale or rental companies are scams, period .... if your week is in demand you can easily rent it yourself on Redweek or other timeshare ad sites .... don't waste your money on huge upfront fee scams, but if you don't believe me then go for it .... you may as well throw that upfront fee down the toilet.

Burn we once it's your fault, burn me twice it's my fault as you have already been burned once.

BTW, the Orlando area has more timeshare resorts/weeks than any other area in the world so you have a lot of timeshare owners competing to rent their timeshare.

Don't hold your breath waiting for someone (other than an employee of TSHL = shill) to prove they're legit.