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Time share Hotlist (by R P.):
caroln125 wrote:I to am having conversations with a guy from Time share Hot List... they do ask for $1259 up front, and have been offered to pay 1/2 now, and 1/2 when it's rented, they say 42 conventions come to Orlando a year, and know that the companies are contracted to come there for the next 25 years. a. how would they know that? b. has anyone rented and gotten $2500 that they say they can get? Does anyone know a company that does rent out with a % commissioned to them for finding a renter? thanks... ps. he'll be calling back for a yes or no this afternoon.
They'll tell you all kinds of lies to get your upfront fee .... if you don't mind losing $1259, then sign on up.
If they were a legitimate rental or resale company, they wouldn't have to steal email address and cold call people to get business .... their reputation would already be established and people would be calling THEM .... and no, they can't get $2500 for any rental ... in this economy that should have rung a bell with you ... most conventions are held at hotels, not timeshare resorts.