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Re: Resort Condos Plus - anyone? (by R P.):
karinv9 wrote:anyone looking for info about resort condos plus get any answers? did you go through w/sale thru them? we too were just contacted Friday Chris Osborn from RCP saying they had a buyer who was going thru the financing process w/them but would probably be qualified to pay our asking price of $85k. William Sanders a sr. executive w/the company then called us minutes later saying the family had been approved for the full amount of $85k and they were still on vacation at the resort. They would have had to pay double to buy the our timeshare directly thru the resort. We would have to pay $2050 up front for closing costs. When I said normally the buyer pays he said resorts sales are different. William said to call him back on Monday w/our answer. After reading these posts I'm really confused. I did question how this company all of a sudden had someone qualified to pay our full asking price. All of you who are complaining, did you actually use this company or were you just contacted and felt it was a scam? We are really interested in selling our timeshare but want to make the right decision.
There's nothing to be confused about if you read these forums on a daily basis, one more time NEVER EVER PAY AN UPFRONT FEE IN THE HUNDREDS/THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO ANY COMPANY TO LIST/SELL YOUR TIMESHARE no matter if they tell you they have 20 people lined up to buy it ..... it's a lie.
Also, I'd like to ask what timeshare on the face of this earth is worth $85,000? Who in their right mind would pay that much in the first place and especially on the resale market?
After they get your $2050 upfront then they'll inform you that the buyer has backed out, but the $2050 fee is theirs ..... in other words, they got what they wanted, the upfront fee.
Please take the time to read all you can about upfront fee resale companies on the internet and the fact that they are all SCAMS.