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Original Message:

Resort Condos Plus - anyone? (by Mike N.):

michaelm381 wrote:
Anybody know anything about this company based in Houston? They contacted me about my timeshare, said they had a buyer. Once they negotiate the price and settle it with the buyer, they take a "fee" for $1350 (credit card) and then you get your money.

michaelm381 wrote:
What kind of makes me suspicious is the fact that they claimed to be able to take the timeshare off my hands for the price they claimed. I know there are many people trying to sell their timeshare at this same resort and most would take 1/10th of what they paid, yet this company claims they can get me basically what I paid, if not a little more. If there is truly someone that stupid out there who will buy it, okay, but I just don't see it.
You basically answered your own questions. They take the fee via your credit card and not out of the proceeds of the sales. After they have your $$, the buyer will disappear or there will be a problem with the transaction. The company will claim the $1350 is for advertising, but why do they have to advertise if they already have a buyer. As you all ready discovered, they have a "buyer" who will pay MORE than market value for the TS.

Call their bluff and tell them you are interested if you use escrow and a closing company that YOU choose. See how quickly they back off.