Report Abuse - 96920

Re: The Manhattan Club Lawsuit - RedWeek's Report & Most Recent Info

nathanz2, correction to your info: Small claims maxes out at $10K I think. Civil court goes to $25K per case. While the AOD is specifically barred from any future court proceedings, the evidence in the NYAG's documents 138, 380 and 411 are not excluded and contain compelling findings testimony. They provide solid evidence of Eichner's, T Park's and O Park's wrong doing, violations of the Offering Plan and violations of business law. I would guesstimate that I've done 3-4 trips for the court case only, having signed up for another workshop which brought me to the city. I love coming to NYC (why I bought in the first place), so it wasn't an onerous burden although costly. In terms of hours invested, I'd guesstimate maybe 50 hours in terms or online research, 20 in writing legal docs, copying, mailing, etc. So according to your estimate, I've saved myself about $10,000. I'd charge at least $150/hr for my services, $150/hr X 60 hrs = $9000 and 10 hrs @ $75/hr = $750 for clerical work, totaling $9750 saved which looks pretty good to me! btw, my court case binder was so well organized and comprehensively documented that John Smith, Esq., the free legal consultant at the court, said it was more impressive than what most attorneys bring to the court. I'm feeling pretty good about my work now that you've made me think about it more deeply!