Report Abuse - 96918

Re: The Manhattan Club Lawsuit - RedWeek's Report & Most Recent Info

From Mr Zimmerman Attorney about this issue last year regarding small claims court. A complaint costs more than $40; Who is being sued? For what cause(s) of action? Under what statute?; A breach of contract claim must identify the contract, and the particular breach, as well as the correct party who breached the contract; A fraud claim must be plead with specificity, and will likely require the plaintiff to depose the defendant; Is the AOD to be used? If so, on what evidentiary basis?; How will damages be proven? What are the contract damages? What are the fraud damages?; and The defendant(s) will likely defend the case vigorously, and seek a dismissal of the claim(s) on the merits, and thus with prejudice. The suggested approach seems to imply that you simply file a complaint and collect $25K. The litigation process does not work like that. Thanks,