Report Abuse - 96801

Re: The Manhattan Club Lawsuit - RedWeek's Report & Most Recent Info

"It doesn't take rocket science to realize that many unpaid maintenance fees cause them to increase. What has to be proven??" would you accept the fact that neither of us (i am not) is a rocket scientist? what needs to be demonstrated is that some owners' non-payment of maintenance fees is increasing the amount of maintenance fees, which is probably unlikely. "probably agree" doesn't do justice to the fact that a 500+% increase in MF's is usuriously and hurtfully exorbitant causing many owners to default on payment for their own reasons, unaffordably being the main culprit. fyi, i purchased in 2002 and painfully experienced MF increases up to the current 500%. with financial effort and good vibes from a supreme being, i am still (barely) able to make my payments. if things go as forecast by past experience, i'm not sure i will be in a position to continue to maintain MY PART OF THE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT, partly in opposition to the other parties of the contract having broken their part of this agreement in a criminal and fraudulent manner (assumed to make the contract void and in need of re-negotiation) , and partly because i simply will not be able to afford these payments. i hope that you'll agree that most non-payment of MF, owners are not purposely attempting to financially burden other paying owners. that non-payment of maintenance fees greatly contribute to MF increases, is a contention that still needs to be demonstrably proven. it's not a totally unlikely conclusion, but one that might be exaggerated and is still yet to be shown as a direct cause. i implore you to consider putting the primary blame on avarice and greed on the part of TMC as initially planned by its developer IAN BRUCE EICHNER. also keep in mind that this fraud is being perpetuated by BLUEGREEN, our current maleficent leader. [Q=williamm465] It doesn't take rocket science to realize that many unpaid maintenance fees cause them to increase. What has to be proven?? I probably agree that a 500% is very high. What year did you purchase Chris?[/Q]