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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

richard3153, there are others in the forum who have contacted zimmerman one way or another and have reported the same results as you: no reply. there appears to have been no word from him in this forum since december 12, 2018. he seems initially to have offered his legal services to all who requested to be represented by him (registering with him and sending $1,250 for his services.) it is expected that the more clients he gets, the better his case would be and the fuller his professional wallet as well. we still don't know if the court (from his december 12, 2018 court hearing with tucker) granted him and/or tucker access to the list of all TMC owner contacts for him to use to extend his client base in preparing his lawsuit (s). my comments here don't answer your question directly, but they shed a bit more light on your issue. it seems to be to his advantage to peruse this forum's contents regularly, but that's his choice. good luck. chris [Q=richard3153] We sent both an email and snail mail request to Zimmerman and have not had a reply. Does anyone know what is going on?[/Q]