Report Abuse - 94574

Re: verified and protected

[Q=phyl21] Flexible: 100% refund if canceled at least 60 days before check-in. No refund thereafter. Moderate: 50% refund if canceled at least 60 days before check-in. No refund thereafter. Strict: No refunds given on cancellations [/Q] I am a timeshare owner of multiple weeks, but only on occasion am I a timeshare "landlord". I fully support (and I practice) an owner being able to choose a "no refunds on cancellations" option. This has [b]always[/b] been (and will remain) my own practice in my rental transactions; it is very clearly and very specifically stated within my rental contract. Tenants know that policy well in advance and willingly accept it, under signature. Tenants can always choose to purchase their own trip cancellation insurance, or they can just decline to proceed with the rental at all -- it is entirely their own decision and choice. Every timeshare owner pays $800 -- $1,500 annually (sometimes more, rarely any less) in maintenance fees for each and every individual timeshare week owned. That fee must be paid, in full, usually at the very beginning of the calendar year, regardless of whether that timeshare week gets used (or rented) or just sits there empty. If a tenant bails out before the occupancy date, regardless of the reason, a late cancellation will often mean that the owner will simply not have sufficient time or opportunity to advertise again, find a new tenant, and execute a new rental agreement. In short, there is risk on [b]both[/b] sides of a timeshare rental transaction --- certainly [b]not[/b] just for the tenant.