Report Abuse - 94516

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

becky, your comments are worth much more than "two cents;" they make sense. regarding further action, i certainly would not want to corrupt zimmerman's possible suit, but as has been shown on this page, a few responses above, he seems not to be responsive to peggy's twice trying to connect with him in order to join his yet-unestablished suit (that i am aware of). we also have not seen one word from him on redweek for a long time. this might be time to try a tactic similar to that which we tried and failed with the unprofitable outcome of the former nysag schneiderman's inept legiislatve skills. now we have new blood in the form of the honorable ms letitia james our new new york state attorney general. perhaps filing individual claims and comlaints with her might prove to be to TMC owners' advantage. she has all the background TMC investigative information from schneiderman's records. ms james could either reopen schneiderman's case OR begin afresh with her own legal expertise, starting her own new court case. this idea is certainly worthy of consideration by TMC owners on redweek.