Report Abuse - 94508

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

please, we should not forget the major screwing (in addition to those mentioned) laid upon us by the "wimpy" settlement by the former, TOTALLY INEPT nysag, eric schneiderman. really, we're having a hell of a time getting out from under financially, beginning with our initial purchase of TMC. i wonder if the new nysag, letitia jones, would be more empathetic to TMC OWNERS' disgraceful non-consumer-protective current DISASTROUS situation. some alternative action might be worth the effort looking into........i would say testing unexplored waters. maybe, just maybe, would be appealing to ms jones and might and be worth our efforts to try. just how many more times do we need to be screwed......need i count the ways? [Q=debral251] buy back, but a GIVE back. So they admit it's worthless.. And then blue green will take back for nothing...and resell for sonething. So now on top of being screwed by the Manhattan Club... we will then be screwed by Blue green. What a scam[/Q]