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Suitelife Vacations - not paying fees anymore?

I refused to pay their Special Fee they tried to charge everyone a few years ago (for their bad business decision) and have not payed the yearly fee since. They send "invoices" and reminder emails and I just ignore them. Their threats of legal action and sending it to a collection agency that they commonly made years ago are just a bunch of baloney. They know if a case ever went to court and they had to produce their books for discovery, the true nature of their fraud would be revealed. So they just send emails, hope poor idiots will pay, but that's as far as they will take it. I can ignore their emails as a long as they decide to keep sending them. They will not get one more cent out of me. I hope all other members do the same and they are forced out of business, which is exactly what they deserve.. [Q=pjg10] Has anyone had SuiteLife take legal action take against them to get the yearly fee? It sounds like there are many people that have stopped paying - any ramifications?[/Q]