Report Abuse - 91728

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

[Q=sueo79] Interview that lawyer did with[/Q] Attorney confirmed the owners are welcomed at the hearing at the NY Supreme Court on Aug.29 (if it's not postponed). The Judge ruled no action can be taken by the Board until the Hearing. Limbo. Seems the Board should avoid any kind of communication and actions until then. I would suggest to request at the hearing the list of owners where additional data is presented, not only names and contacts of owners. Some owners purchased more than one interest, some owners are business entities, many interests have two names on Deeds. On the top there are numerous BG purchasers (beneficiaries) who obtained fractal interests like 0.93, 0.95, 1.12, 1.115, 1.118 etc. Parks Central and TMC Association own(ed) big inventory; highly likely they avoided to pay maintenance fees for their owned interests therefore that hole had to be funded by the 'regular owner' payments and rentals. Indexed list of TMC owners should include the owner' name, contact, unit number, and type of interest per EACH unit for EACH year 2009 - 2018 (agreement with BG goes back to 2010). Such list is the only way to get a clear picture on whether and when TMC was oversold, why reservation system failed, fees skyrocketed, and developer' control was not discontinued.