Report Abuse - 91726

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Hi Chris - Yes, that's what I did. I don't know any other owners, but hopefully many of them are on this thread and will write! Also, I wrote to the email address Zimmerman provided at the end of the video and all I got back was a retainer form to sign and send money. Does anyone have hope that they will re-instate the buy-back program? Maybe I'm holding on to hope that won't ever happen and my only choice will be to trash our credit or be held hostage with unaffordable fees. Sigh. By the way -- this is Kathy (Rob's wife). I have no idea why Rob's name is showing as my user name - I've changed it multiple times. [Q=chrisv126] roberto, very glad you wrote. a suggestion: write to all board members' email addresses, including patricia, bill and jim's in one email to each individual email address. tell your fellow owners to email the board. keep the rhythm going. keep me posted. chris[/Q]