Report Abuse - 91693

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

hi dennis, thank you for sharing the recent and very informative "timesharing today" broadcast. although it contained a rehash of the myriad TMC owners' complaints, it better-explained zimmerman's stance and possible astuteness and expertise in the field of timeshare litigation, especially getting the restraining order. if he gets the complete list of owners (with information necessary to communicate with them) we would then have somewhat of a cohesive balance of power vs the imbalance that the very business-savvy ian bruce eichner created (along with his mega group of well-versed new york attorneys and TMC company associates). the former nys attorney general, although his case produced incredible evidence of large-scale fraudulent activities by eichner, produced a luke-warm if not downright cold "settlement" of the case. eichner should currently be behind bars along with his cohorts who assisted him in continuing his fraudulent operation, obviously not the case. we owners should have benefitted financially and otherwise with a different and realistic outcome of scheidermans'botched-up litigation proceeding and results. also of interest, how many owners have paid zimmerman's initial $1250 fee to date? i hope you will continue to monitor zimmerman's progress regarding initializing TMC litigation. your reported information will give us owners more issues to consider on whether or not to join zimmerman's proposed lawsuit. chris [Q=dennisc283] Timesharing Today just posted a youtube interview with Zimmerman about his observations re: Noard Meeting, and the restraining order he just got against the board. You can search in Timesharing Today if this link doesn’t survive posting here:[/Q]