Report Abuse - 91574

Re: New Owners

Unfortunately we have paid the special assessment fee and yes I paid it before August 1 in hopes that we could use the "free week" over Thanksgiving this year as I had inquired prior to paying it that we could and there was "plenty" of availability. What they did not tell me was that there were only a number of units set aside that could be used for the "free week". In the future I won't get caught up in this again. We are so frustrated and have continually been lied to over and over. I knew this was probably too good to be true, but stepped out in hopes that we could use it this year. As it stands it looks like there is no availability until after Spring 2019. We have paid for our unit and I am checking into just deeding it back to them to get away from this ongoing saga of a headache. I would be interested in knowing more information about the assessment should you get more information.