Report Abuse - 90777

Re: Can't make payment on my timeshare. What are the consequences? Please need some help.

I still disagree. You are advising them as if they a U.S. citizens. They are foreigners and have no obligation to even email the company. It is not going to affect them in their country, nor will it prevent them from entering the U.S. with their visa. It is not a criminal matter. I agree that they need to mail the deed so that the resort can resell it. But, the resort will do that anyways to resell it. It's always about the money - for the resort. The couple has no obligation to do anything. Likewise, if an American purchased a timeshare in Mexico, there is no obligation to do anything. Period. I have worked in the industry for over 15 years with foreign developers. There are timeshares developers who sell right to use and points and have been sold out for years, and continue to sell "air." Just walk away and remove the headaches from your life, folks. Your choice who you want to listen to.