Report Abuse - 90762

Re: Resort management has changed from Southwind to the Colonnade

I visited Branson last week. I went to Grand Regency to see for myself if anything is being done to fix it up....ABSOLUTELY NOTHINGis being done to repair it since I was there last year. It is deplorable! I wish I could post the pictures that I took. Apparently there are a couple of young guys living in one of the upper condos because they were sitting out on the patio. There was a huge dumpster there but it doesn’t look like it was being used. Several laundry hampers were sitting outside, furniture was sitting outside on the patio’s as well as rugs, pillows and comforters. Windows and doors were boarded up in many of the units. The gate was roped off, however one side was down therefore I was able to get back there to take a look. I don’t think they are planning on putting any money into it unless they can get it from the owners. I have contacted everyone that I think of to contact about this situation. I wonder if we contact the TV station if that would help? The states attorney sent me a letter in January saying I had a credible complaint and they would get back with me...Of course, I haven’t heard anything else from his office. I think we need to be heard, and we shouldn’t send any more money to anyone else!