Report Abuse - 90756

Re: Resort management has changed from Southwind to the Colonnade

If you haven't received the letter, you're in luck! Good Management has no idea you're an owner. It's becoming very apparent that Inderjit didn't keep really tight records (imagine that, not keeping detailed records and a nice paper trail of your embezzlement activity). Under Inderjit's watch, they never sent me invoices, but would send me past due notices w\ interest and penalties. I think it was just his way of getting a little bit more. I started proactively contacting them to pay my MF (silly me!). But I obviously didn't exist in one set of books he was working from. I don't think he left a lot behind for anybody to work from, so my guess is, Good really has no idea who the actual owners are. I vote for keeping it that way, not throwing good money after bad and just let the place fall down - as many of you fellow long time owners know, GR has a pretty sad history. Lots of unkept promises, I don't think any of us can show any return on our investment at this point and I'm not in the mood to hand over the kind of $ they are going to need to even restore GR to it's rather mundane state. In the best of times, GR has really not ever been a true resort. Sad, but true. The vision we were sold on was great if it came to pass, but it never did. So I'm going to have to go with the reality we find ourselves in and how much is it worth to save a few abandoned, neglected, landlocked, old condo buildings on a hill. Not very much. I did not get a Good Management letter either, so maybe I'm off the hook. Maybe I can just quietly exit stage left as they only begin to realize the total mess they have on their hands.