Report Abuse - 90636

Re: Resort management has changed from Southwind to the Colonnade

I received the Good Management letter yesterday 6/25/18. I have had two attorneys review this case for me and will not send money because someone sends a bill or organizes a meeting. I realize there is power in the court, but there are also many issues in my favor. The clause "tangible and intangible assets" is where I will have questions. Clearly the buildings are the intangible assets and GreenLake is entitled to recover it's investment through the sale or re-purposing of the buildings, grounds and other physical assets. I suspect the the HOA is in the intangible asset category. I also suspect Good Management will want to elect HOA officers to represent and empower the HOA or a new HOA to enforce the collection of fees or the forfeiture of the units for not paying fees. I intend to spend my first dollars on a personal attorney because of the dereliction of duty by Interjit resulting in the destruction of my time share value not only now, but also in the future. I believe the reputation of Grand Regency is permanently damaged and as a result, so is my investment. As far as I can tell, the previous HOA never relinquished governing authority to Interjit and I believe he illegitimately took control of the HOA board by not informing them or the members of important meetings and elections. I could go on, but you (and Good Management who is likely reading this post) get the point. I am fine walking away from my investment if I do not have maintenance fees or expenses to pay. If GreenLake is interested in a discussion about the future, they will need to show me a plan where they pay the cost of restoring the assets into a good and usable condition. When they loaned the money to Interjit, they took that responsibility.