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Ripoff - Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Program - New Point System

This. The whole program is a complete scam. My wife and I bought in (at over 10% interest mind you so financing it is even more of a rip off) about seven years ago. We went to St. Thomas and stayed at the Marriott there...the ones lower, down along the beach, not the time shares as we weren’t members yet. We loved the room and were having a good time. We were gonna do a Kat trip and could get like $100 off if we sat in on the Vacation Club presentation for an hour. The biggest scam was believing what the scumbag presenter (I forget his name, I wanna say Scott, but I remember his face) as, and this was the selling point for us, that Marriott would buy back the timeshare at 65% of the cost at any time. Well, we have 3,000 points and when each point was worth about $11.30 a year ago, I called to see if we could sell. They offered us right around $10,000. Not nearly 65%. More like 30%. Listen, it was our own fault for signing any paperwork without seeing that very important detail anywhere in the fine print. I take ownership of that. But it’s bullshit that one of their reps would flat out lie like that. And he wasn’t some noob either. He knew exactly what he was doing. Even if one can brush that off as my own fault, it becomes equally as laughable to buy one when one considers the annual maintenance fees that have to be paid. When we signed up, they were $1,200. Two years ago, they were already up to $1,800+. So yeah, we own the time share outright (we ended up paying it off in cash about 4.5 years ago) and yet still have to pay what is now probably about $2,000 a year for maintenance fees. Lulz. And keep in mind you are limited to their Vacation Club locations. And it’s not like they’ve added a bunch of locations in the past seven years (NYC and SD, the latter of which is a mile from the beach) or have a wide variety of great locations. We will soon be cutting our losses with the MVC. It’s a joke and I intend on spreading this word to as many websites as possible. Instead, we can stay anywhere we want in the world. Hell, at $400 a night, we could stay somewhere for five nights. Except that could be anywhere in the world, not just a MVC locale, where the rooms quite frankly aren’t even that nice or well kept.