Report Abuse - 90296

RE: owners

When you say lawyerup...what are you specifically saying? We have contacted a lawyer who told us that its a no win situation. He has tried to help others over a 25 plus year period and has gotten no where and spent alot of his clients money doing it. We purchased back in 2014 and it has been lie after lie about using the cottage and facilities and we continue to make a payment every month. Now they are requesting a Special Assessment of $660 promising you that if you pay it by 8/1 you can have a free week. We were able to use our 4BR Cottage back in 2015 for a week and actually did love it there, other than it was in November so alot of the resort was closed. We are just done with it and the lies but have been told that we can't get out of it because we owe money to Concord Servicing. We felt very pressured in to purchasing it by the sales lady that basically wouldn't let us leave. We did leave and came back the next day to say we didn't want it and they took us back in an office and started pressuring us by reducing the cost to almost half price. So we felt pressured and had to leave for home that evening or would have gone back the next day. Wasn't aware of the Missouri law that we could cancel the contract or would have. Call us stupid and naive I guess. The following January they sent us a use form and little did we know that we didn't even get what we thought we were getting....we went from a every year use to a every three year use.....NEVER told anything about that...guess we should have paid more attention to the small print on the contract. Learned a real life lesson! We don't want this to go against our credit, so how do you get out of this timeshare? when you owe money? [Q=jlb] [Q=jenniferh1259] We purchased a two bedroom house in Feb. 2017 with the hopes of using this for more travel purposes. As soon as we received our information, I contacted Summer Winds to try to book a Hawaiian vacation. It turns out everything told to us during the sales pitch about discounts and lower costs were all untruths. I literally had a travel agent in the same phone call that we should've booked this vacation over a year ago -which was impossible - and that they don't get discounts on airlines like we were told. No one has ever responded back to me about any of our complaints. Every time I try to find a time to use our Branson house, everything is booked and nothing is available. It has been nothing but headaches and everything told to us in the sales pitch was straight lies.[/Q] Follow the information in the previous post. The AG has invited you/all the file a complaint. (Assuming Josh Hawley can stay in office!!!) If you lawyer up Summerwinds will cancel your purchase and refund. So few do that the their "mud"-on-the-wall technique is profitable.[/Q]