Report Abuse - 90141

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

I have been following this sequence of messages with interest for some time now. Yes, I am an owner, bought back in 2007 for $26,000.00 cash. Have I ever been refused a reservation? Nope? Did I enjoy my stays there? Yep. Am I happy with TMC? Not really, the fees got out of hand, but I switched over to RCI and couldn't be happier. I get over two weeks worth of points that I have used all over the country and it has amounted to an average cost of about $100.00 a night, all expenses accounted for. This is not an advertisement for RCI, they do have their own problems but I have figured out how to deal with them and have not had any reservation problems or disappointment in facilities I stayed in.What I have been amused by is the number of you that assume everyone else is in your same angry position. How many of the 14,000 or 18,000 owners are like you, or are they like me?? When the attorney sent out the inquiry I did answer it pretty much as I have stated here and I wondered how he would react. Well, I got his email this morning. Not too surprising, more money with no guarantee. What I did find interesting is that part of what he proposes being able to accomplish is the disbanding of TMC as it now exists whether that be by a change in ownership or structure or whatever. I can tell you that as an owner in good standing I would be opposed to any such deal. I am guessing that I am not the only one who feels that way. Unless he his grand settlement includes keeping those of us who use TMC ownership and transfer to RCI whole in our investment also, I would oppose his litigation. How these two different groups of owners can both be satisfies will be interesting to watch. But then again, he may be a long way off from initiating this action.