Report Abuse - 89344

Re: Ripoff - Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Program - New Point System

[Q=sandym14] There is a difference. Previously access was based on the amount of ownership, regardless of where you got it. Since the points program began, MVC has identified who bought direct vs resale and now direct buyers get the priority - as it should be. We paid the big bucks and should have that right. I have 3 weeks direct and 1 resale. I can use the resale or trade it for rewards points or through II but I have to pay the fees as we did in the old system. My 3 direct weeks plus a small amount of points put me at Chairman level. The resale doesn't count towards ownership level unless you buy it up to the point value in the destinations program. That's cheaper than a direct buy but not by much. I only bought it because it trades annually for 130K rewards points, which covers my airfare. As strictly a resale week it's not eligible for the destination program or any of the benefits within it (Pulse resorts, thirdhome, etc) Back when I had 2 oceanfront platinum weeks that were bought direct, I was up against owners that bought 1 week direct and 9 - 12 resale. They got the priority because it was based on how many weeks you owned, regardless of how you got them. Even though I have oceanfront units, I would wind up on the first floor looking at gas grills (technically oceanfront). I would call at 9 am on the first day that I could and was told "sorry nothing available". Now everything is available and they call me and ask what room I want. If I book a lesser room and oceanfront becomes available, I get it. Again, I paid the big bucks. It was/is worth it. The only complaint - maintenance fees. They are high but it's a different way to travel. I have good properties. I can rent 5 nights (low point nights from Sun-Fri) to pay for the maintenance fees on 2 of my weeks and still have some great vacations. I typically check in on Sundays and stay for 12 nights (Friday checkout) to avoid weekend nights which are higher points. It balances out.[/Q] Maintenance fees aren’t bad when you compare the hotel prices. My two bedroom at Ko Olina gets me 2 weeks if I choose in Hawaii. The cheapie hotels in Oahu are going to cost at least $149 during summer when I go. I’’ll pay my maintenance fees. However, I’m an enrolled weeks owner and don’t own points. I rent to not have the continuously increasing maintenance fees that adding points would bring.