Report Abuse - 89343

Re: Ripoff - Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Program - New Point System

[Q=michaelf666] Ok-if that is what you want to believe. Live in your ignorance. You obviously didn’t read everything or you don’t understand the law. No wonder you still “own” Marriott[/Q] I read the whole document and Judge Kobayashi’s ruling and FULLY UNDERSTOOD it. The problem you had in court was the same problem you have here. You don’t have facts and evidence that support your claims. You made a lot of claims about breach of contract, how you are negatively impacted by the points program, how you can’t get reservations, etc., etc., etc. Judge Kobayasi states almost complaint after complaint how you have not presented sufficient evidence to support your allegations. He threw out some of your complaints all together, but for some he gave you an opportunity to come back and replead your case in the appropriate manner. However, it will be all for nought if you don’t have any proof. Court is different than the internet. You can come here and make up all kinds of fabrications and people may even agree with you. However in court, you must add proof to the pudding. That’s where you fell extremely short in your case. There are lots of weeks owners who still find themselves in the same position as they did before the points program. Those who try to get their weeks at 12 months out still have the same ease or challenge they did before the points program. Like you, I own at Ko Olina. I have used it with points to upgrade my view/size, as a weeks owner and trading it with Interval International. I have no problems when I do things in a timely fashion. There may be a time I won’t be able to get what I want, who knows. However, I know what I signed up for so I want be but so disappointed.