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Re: Buying Timeshare? LTRBA

[Q=david_cortese] Hi Camille, There is no upfront fees whatsoever from the LTRBA brokers. They deduct their fees from the seller proceeds at closing. I’m a member myself plus I’m on the Redweek Panel of Experts.[/Q] Your response to Camille is more than four and a half *YEARS* after her post of Jan., 2013. That aside, in the interest of full disclosure, it should be mentioned that there is generally a minimum commission (even if not upfront). Let's be honest here --- SOME timeshares have no value whatsoever in the resale market and, in such instances, are not even worth the minimum broker commission amount. In such instances, a seller / owner could actually OWE money to a broker (even a LTRBA broker) just to complete the transfer. If I am somehow mistaken in this particular observation, please feel free to correct me.