Report Abuse - 86498

Re: Phone call received today from Marlene

[Q=marya502] I can't believe that no one has connections to get this picked up by 60 Minutes, 20/20 or one of the big news shows as they(CLO) should have stopped 40 pages and multiple years ago.[/Q] The news media cannot know the story, until someone tells them. So many facts must be known and that would take many people across the nation, to be interviewed. Some of us did not have to sign a gag order, but since 2012, I believe most had to sign one, to be released. Thus, no story. I totally feel the same as you, but without someone to gather information and to find the people who were already affected and those who would become victims, that would be an enormous task. If you know if someone who might be interested in investigating, I am sure everyone on this blog would share their story!