Report Abuse - 86480

Suitelife Vacations anyone?

I had never heard of Suite Life Vacation Club, but there has been some very recent discussion of this entity in the discussion forums over on Timeshare Users Group (TUG). SuiteLife VC is apparently based in Ontario, Canada. Several TUG members who advertised their owned units for rent have apparently been contacted by a Suite Life rep claiming to have "a member very interested in your advertised rental". One TUG member / timeshare owner claims to have had several previous successful transactions with SLVC with no problems, receiving prompt advance payment for the rentals. The other TUG poster / timeshare owner claims that Suite Life "bailed" on an advertised rental they inquired about when it came time to have the would-be tenants sign the owner's (boiler plate) rental agreement (which SLVC neither saw nor requested to see). Two isolated experiences certainly does not constitute a "history", but I mention this at all simply because both reports occurred within just the past week or two, for whatever that's worth. Both posts were by timeshare owners who had advertised their weeks for rent, NOT by "members" of whatever it is that Suite Life Vacation Club might be.