Report Abuse - 84061

Re: Suitelife Vacations anyone?

I am familiar with this particular company. They made a terrible business decision a few years ago and made a deal with a Tanya Williams who ran a pyramid type scam that sold reservation to people without actually having the properties on the hope that they would acquire them by the time the family traveled. That also led to a huge stock of unrented properties that weren't being rented that Suitelife supplied to her . Tanya finally had to go under after refusing to refund people for their missed vacations. She was denied bankruptcy and just disappeared from sight ( probably opening another company ) . Suitelife supplied her with a large inventory of properties that they never recovered . Then suitelife with their high and mighty attitude decided to levy a fee to it's customers to make up for the loss they incurred through their own bad business decisions . I can't believe these soulless lowlives still expect the victims to pay for their bad business practices .