Report Abuse - 83986

Re: Buying Marriott Destinations points

Just went to a Sales presentation at HHI Grande Ocean - I have rented for the past 5 yrs at an avg. of $2400 After the warm up sales guy quoted me 4,000 points at 54,000 the closer offered me 4,000 points for life + 4000 bonus points for $42,260. The pitch was since I rent during Memorial Day it will cost us 4,500 points for that week so with the extra 4,000 points we could use 500 points for 8 yrs and be fine. Here is the catch and the part I don't understand. They quoted me a HOA fee + club dues at the 4,000 point level of $2,293 annually. When I asked why I would pay $42,000 to save $200 between HOA dues and renting they said the difference was I would own the points and could sell them later. But even from what they said I would get at best 50% on the dollar. I told them the math still didn't work at which point they told me there was no way I was renting for such a low cost. I can assure you I am. What am I missing that doesn't make this a horrible deal?