Report Abuse - 83693


[Q=chasm5] is Casa del Mar in Ormond Beach a good resale TS - have 23,000 points or 46000 on even years[/Q] Assuming that you're a potential seller, you need to do some homework on your own to determine if the timeshare is "good" and / or if it potentially has any resale market value. Do you find listings for what you own advertised anywhere? Is your ownership a "fixed" or "floating" week? If fixed, what week number? If floating, what is the range of weeks that can be reserved? Can the resort provide any resale insights, assistance, information or recommendations? Does the resort accept "deedbacks" if the ownership really has no resale market value at all? Assuming that the (unidentified) points are RCI Points (that's not a lot of RCI Points btw), do those RCI Points transfer to a new grantee upon a change in ownership, or does every resale just revert back to just the underlying deeded week, without any points? Both possibilities exist out there; it depends entirely on your resort policy. These are all issues and questions whose answers you really need to obtain on your own. If you advertise, a savvy buyer will surely want to know ALL these things, so you'd best know and understand those details BEFORE you advertise. A seller who cannot answer specific questions about what s/he is selling makes savvy potential buyers very uneasy. Good luck.