Report Abuse - 82098

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Hi Jeff, Thank you for updates and information of ongoing case. My one comment is on the suggestion that people Should Pay OR Not to Pay our exorbitant fees. Owners who have chosen Not to Pay; Should Know, there was always a, "RESERVE FOR BAD DEBT", One million dollar line in the yearly budget. In 2016 that line was doubled to Two Million Reserved. NOW, THE 2017 BUDGETED "RESERVE FOR BAD DEBT" is 5.3 MILLION and is PART OF OUR FEE INCREASE! Just to repeat, TMC, simply covers your fees, by everyone else having to pay them. Repeate: the 2017 BUDGETED "RESERVE FOR BAD DEBT" IS 5.3 MILLION, THAT CURRENT OWNERS WILL PAY / NOT BUILDERS. I do use my time, so although it truly hurts my family's finances, I do pay the fees and will as long as possible. Owners who have chosen Not to Pay should Know that it IS hurting more then themselves and Not helping to fight the problems. (Note - You all did sign the same contracts as everyone else.) HAPPY NEW YEAR!