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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

I received the update below from attorney Douglass Wasser November 15, 2016 for an article I wrote for Inside Timeshare concerning all the timeshare lawsuits I am aware of: Of note is another Attorney General (Colorado) pursuing fraudulent timeshare sales and resales and the $20 million jury award to a Wyndham whistle blower as reported by Pulitzer winner Gretchen Morganson of the NY Times The Manhattan Club Attorney Douglass Wasser represents 30 Manhattan Club defendants. “To my knowledge there has been no dismissal of any Manhattan Club proceeding at this point. The NY Attorney General investigation is proceeding, and the motion to dismiss a currently pending class action suit has been adjourned to January 5, 2017 for now. Three prior class action suits at the Manhattan Club have been dismissed. But, at least for the time being, the current class action still survives,” Mr. Wasser reported November 15. 2016