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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

hi jeff, happy holidays. your reportage has been of good value to us owners of TMC. "but don't make any of it an obsession. Life is too short. Make the most of it." i agree with your thoughts, but when people are losing it all: $$$$$ and lack of reservation time, an obsession becomes somewhat of a dark cloud for many, with little sunshine coming through. personally, i follow this obscene scenario created by the master director ian bruce eichner, but thankfully and fortunately, i'm not completely hurting financially; however, i despise losing money (and/or value) when the loss is created by fraud and scamming such as this issue shows so clearly. again, happy holidays and PAX TO ALL INVOLVED IN THIS FORUM AND TO ALL AT REWEEK.COM AT LARGE. CHRIS [Q=jeff_reports] Hello again to all members on this forum. Here is an update. I am still covering the machinations of the AG investigation but there has been little to report in recent months. When something of importance surfaces, we will write about it on RedWeek. Lowell Sidney is the ONLY attorney, at this time, pursuing a class action lawsuit against the Manhattan Club. The basic grounds are that the club oversold units, thus denying access to many members. I interviewed the attorney who was posting potential solicitations on this forum. She is definitely trying to gather New York residents for a possible case. She is using the NY Attorney General's probe, and his findings disclosed so far, as the basis of her pending complaint. However, we advised her that direct solicitations on RedWeek are inappropriate, particularly because some people who solicit clients for various enterprises may just be setting owners up for a ripoff. We have asked other contributors to stop posting, as well, when their comments raised questions about their authenticity. With regard to this recent posting, if the attorney follows through a files a new class-action against TMC, we will report it in real time for owners. Two last points about legal proceedings. Doug Wasser is an attorney who represents several dozen Manhattan Club owners. He is NOT filing litigation. Instead, he works as a liaison with the AG's office. His view, as we have reported previously, is that the AG is doing all of the work that could be done, at this time, because his office has the resources to pursue the Manhattan Club. Private attorneys, in contrast, don't have comparable resources to wage a long and expensive court fight. The second point is that the AG's case appears to represent the best, and only, hope for owners at this time. While there is no certainty of a conclusion, or terms that would benefit owners, it is the only game in town. So do yourselves all a favor during the holiday season. Pay, or don't pay, your TMC maintenance fees, enjoy your reservations if you can get them, but don't make any of it an obsession. Life is too short. Make the most of it.[/Q]