Report Abuse - 81407

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

[Q=thomasm832] [Q=davidp1102] I have called the credit card company and have put a block on Manhattan Club charges. I have already paid them for this year, but that is the last dollar they will get from me. I also tried to give it back. Even went to the sales floor and sat with someone in an office. They did not want it. They have diminished the value of the investment and should be held responsible for restitution. Thank you to all who are involved and have brought this disgrace forward. The discount travel sites that are selling Manhattan Club should be petitioned to stop.[/Q] I have seen these mentions of people "blocking" MC credit charges. How do you do this? My mom, who is an owner, said the credit card company told her they can't block charges, only dispute after they have been charged. Do different credit card companies have different rules for blocking charges?[/Q] You can call/write the club (emailing is best because you then have everything in writing) and you can tell them you no longer authorize them to charge your/your mother's cc for maintenance fees. Tell them you want a bill going forward(whether you pay it or not).