Report Abuse - 81364

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Craig, Request for dismissal in my post referred to the Class action that had been filed at the Supreme Court by the attorney LOWELL J.SIDNEY, not by the NYAG. Did you have a chance to read the docs for that Class action? If yes, could you please share your opinion on the Class action Summons? My point was if the current Class action fails, it would be more problematic for NYAG to continue the investigatory phase. To remind, the owners had 3 previous Class actions and numerous individual law suits, all of them were dismissed. In regards to the best possible outcome from the NYAG investigation (so far it is not a law suite but an investigatory phase in preparation for the law suite), personally, like many other owners, I am looking to get out from the MC ownership. As you said, the objective is having the owners control the Owners Association, goes to " a very long way" in getting what we need. The way could be too long. I do not need my kids or relatives to experience the same head aches with the MC, as I had experienced. MC Financial issues will be right there, as the result of paying the legal fees and the owners refusal to pay the maintenance fees.