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Re: Class Action Against Diamond Resorts?

"Susan is not your real name and you refuse to even disclose your gender." I don't recall you asking my gender but I am female. Btw, the only reason you know that Susan is an alias, is that I disclose that fact to people as soon as I email them privately. I don't have to do that. I could easily have you researching everyone named Susan Harbison and trying to guess which one of them I am. Leaving you in the dark would save me some grief. But I pride myself on having integrity and lying by omission is the same as other types of lying. I don't lie. I have explained all of this to you repeatedly. My behavior is totally inconsistent with someone that is a scammer, but you choose to ignore those facts because you want to be right. "Suddenly out of the blue a few weeks ago I received an unsolicited email from you encouraging me to contact you to be awarded money back on my timeshare." As I explained in my email, my offer was in response to the fact that I had recently seen you complaining on here about being stuck with DRI. " Professionals don't usually solicit business telling people they are being screwed." As I've repeatedly told you, I am not soliciting any business. Why can't you accept that? " What is so hard about disclosing your identity and website?" My website is under development. As for my anonymity, it's a personal choice that I expect others to respect, as I respect their choices. " Given so many scams how is anyone to know you are not soliciting business if you won't disclose who you are." No one but you has had a problem with it. Frankly, I am offering to help people for free and if they don't want my help on my terms, I'm fine with that. " You were removed from TUG." I sure was. I'm kind of proud of that. What is your point? "Email me and give me your website. I would love to meet you if you are honest." What you mean is you'd love to meet me if I am willing to give in to your demands. In twenty years on the internet, I've never had anyone respond the way you have to my choice to remain anonymous. We are clearly incompatible and that is ok. I wish you well.