Report Abuse - 81067

Re: Class Action Against Diamond Resorts?

@Don: Of course you don't need an attorney to do a surrender! But I don't think anyone should ever GIVE back something they paid tens of thousands of dollars for! You and I have very different ideas about how people should deal with DRI. I absolutely think people should get an attorney. I recognize that the average person doesn't know how to find the RIGHT KIND of attorney. But the right attorneys are out there (by the hundreds, lol), and they can get refunds for people. I am not trying to steer people to any given attorney. I am trying to tell them to FIND A GOOD ATTORNEY rather than settling for a surrender. I will be giving this same advice over and over in any forum that will let me. My advice is apparently going to conflict with yours. But I don't see any need to personally attack anyone that has a different opinion. I am not going to accuse you of pushing surrenders because I have some fantasy that you are a shill for the developers. Such accusations just detract from the whole conversation. People are trying to find out what to do. They come here and see that one person suggests a surrender, another suggests finding an attorney and another will tell them to live with what they have purchased and make the best use of their points. Presumably these visitors are adults. They should know better than to make an important financial decision without investigating all of their options. My advice is only intended to make sure they investigate the option of getting an attorney. The fact is that people would be best served if we responded with ONE comprehensive, unbiased list of the various options. That post should include a list of red flags and some information about what we would ALL agree they should avoid. I would be very happy to work on constructing a post like that with you. Any of the regular posters here that wanted to sign off on it could do so. Those that disagree could write their own "form" post explaining their "dissent", lol. I think it would really be cool if the people that came here could get all of that information in just a couple of responses. Maybe, just maybe, TUG would even follow our example. I would be very happy to work on constructing a post like that with you. I'm sure we would find we actually have the same opinions on all of it.