Report Abuse - 81017

Class Action Against Diamond Resorts?

Hi, I have just lodged my complaint with AZAG today after Diamond seized over $15,000 of my stock recently and basically cancelled all my access to my account. These criminals need to be stopped and I fear that if the regulators do not do something shortly about the way that this industry is turning, and being bought up by big private equity/big public equity firms, big corporate finance will win again and consumers will end up with endless streams of money going out. I have what Diamond recently valued at over $700,000 of's hardly worth $7 when one considers how they have jacked up maintenance fees, but I guess that's the beauty of them telling us what their value is, and closing off resale opportunities to our resale of the Club access. Thanks for being a voice that helped initiate my efforts to further press for reform and consumer action on these matters.