Report Abuse - 80977

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Sample letter to the Judge Honorable Justice Eileen Rakower Supreme Court of the State of New York  71 Thomas St. Part 15 New York, New York 10013 Regarding case number 451536/2014: Schneiderman vs Eichner: Dear Judge Rakower, Thank you for all you have done in recognizing the plight of Manhattan Club Timeshare owners. Your opinions mentioning Timeshare owners have given us hope justice will prevail. 18,000 plus people have been defrauded by the Manhattan Club Timeshare Scam. We were told the Manhattan Club was exclusive to timeshare owners, the maintenance fees would increase no more than 5% a year and the Manhattan Club timeshare would appreciate in value. As the evidence the New York Attorney General’s office has shown all these statements by Manhattan Club representatives were outright misrepresentations. Manhattan Club timeshares are worth less than one dollar. Many Manhattan Club Timeshare owners paid from $25,000 to $90,000 for Manhattan Club one dollar value timeshares. The Manhattan with its 286 rooms also sold sections of those rooms outright to BlueGreen and other entities. The 18, 000 plus timeshare owners were never notified of these transactions. Additionally, the Manhattan Club rented rooms to the general public on sites like in complete violation of their exclusive timeshare only agreement with timeshare purchasers. Maintenance fees for the Manhattan Club skyrocketed from an initial $586 dollars per year to over $3,000 per year. These exorbitant fee increases were accompanied by the almost complete lack of room availability for timeshare owners while rooms were available for the general public. The Manhattan Club was aggressive about the payment of yearly maintenance fees, filing adverse credit reports, harassing via email, phone and mail. I ask you include in your final decision in the Manhattan Club Timeshare Scam case a provision for full financial compensation for owners for our initial timeshare investment and for the years fees were paid when no reservations were available. We understand 7 million dollars has been suggested as compensation for BlueGreen Manhattan Club Timeshare owners. No figure has been even offered yet for compensation for the largest group of Manhattan Club owners. We ask that we be recognized and compensated in full for our losses. Thank you for your time and consideration with this matter. Sincerely, XXXXXX A Manhattan Club Timeshare Owner