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Class Action Against Diamond Resorts? Wanted good attorney

"As timeshare attorney Mike Finn pointed out in the Class Action article he wrote and I posted on this thread last week, the reason a class action is not appropriate is because the damages to the individual plaintiffs are too different." Mr. Finn's article did not make a sweeping statement that class actions are not appropriate. He explained why a claim of “fraud in the inducement” cannot be litigated via a class action. Mr. Finn went on to state that his firm has "successfully initiated multiple class action litigation against timeshare resort developers". If you believe you have grounds to sue DRI you should absolutely find a lawyer that will pursue your claim. If for any reason you decide against filing an individual claim your only remaining hope of recovering money is via a class action. Class actions are not necessarily the ideal option for a consumer. Unfortunately, for many consumers a class action is the only option that might result in any kind of refund. It is extremely important to report improper business practices to the appropriate government agencies. The higher the number of complaints that are filed, the harder it is for the TS industry to persuade the government to look the other way. The appalling practices that have gone on for decades, will continue unabated until the volume of complaints reaches a level that cannot be ignored.