Report Abuse - 80873

Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Instead of going through the Credit Bureaus, I happened to answer a call from Equiant. They had no idea about the AG action vs T Park Central and I was asked about a late payment for my Timeshare in Florida! Then he said the Timeshare must be in PA because that's the address T Park Central uses on the payment account! I explained the fact that this involves The Manhattan Club in NYC, the AG action and sent documentation about the investigation. My co-owner and me had the late payments removed and the loan removed. In my emails, I cc'd the AG's office, Greg Crist at NTOA and Redweek's Reporter Equiant to ask how to handle the remaining owner's "late" or non-payments. No response. I wanted a response in writing; hence, sending an email. I sent this email to Jeff Weir today to explain the additional Fraud by TMC: TMC owners have been hit HARD by negative credit for not paying mortgages. (btw: Equiant is not legally a mortgage payment processor and post "Personal Loan" on credit reports.) Legally, because the "no foreclosure" injunction by the AG was recently upheld, there is no reason for people to Have To pay mortgages. It doesn't appear that the AG is looking at this income for T Park Central. Interestingly, Equiant goes from payment processor to Credit and Collections in a single bound. Equiant is the payment processor for Timeshare Loans only, not Real Property Mortgages that we hold. NYS requires that a payment processor for Mortgages be Licensed Real Estate Brokers or Licensed Mortgage Brokers! (TMC breaking another law.) Right before the AG filed the Investigation in July 2014, they CHANGED OUR OFFICIAL DEEDS TO TIMESHARES on the NYC records. Regardless, our hard copy paperwork is for Real Property Mortgages with T Park Central and Single Family Unit Deeds. Many many owners want out of their monthly payments but like us, got negative credit hits for late payments. Our loan is now removed and no late payments shown. Equiant could get in a great deal of trouble. T Park Central ONLY uses its East Stroudsberg, PA address for ALL TMC payments. I was directly asked by Equiant about my Timeshare in Florida! This company needs Federal Investigation. Many of us complained to the FTC and CFPB to no avail. Hmmm.... They knew NOTHING about The Manhattan Club Timeshare in Manhattan! More Fraud by T Park Central! Much to look into here. Equiant Contacts: Michael Roberts, Account Manager 480-636-3327 Stan, Michael's Supervisor 480-636-4869 [Q=sallyw109] maryb, I stopped both mortgage payments and annual maintenance fees this year, and it still feels like one of the best decisions I've made in a long time. Within about 2 months after stopping mortgage payments, my TransUnion credit score dropped 50 points & went from "Good" to "Poor." Through free CreditKarma, I was able to look at both my TransUnion and Equifax credit scores and reports and all the different elements in each report (for some reason, CreditKarma does not include Experian). I saw that Equifax did not carry any listing in my report from TMC or any of it's sub-companies. However, TransUnion carried Equiant Financial (for TMC) and reported me as "late" in making payments, which was the sole cause of my dropping 50 points. I wrote a 3-page letter to TransUnion, starting with my credit report number and my request that TransUnion delete the fraudulent charge from Equiant Financial. I then proceeded to explain that my deed, loan agreement, monthly payments and ALL TMC documentation is with T Park Central, and that I have no contractual or other agreement with Equiant Financial, who is fraudulently reporting me as making late payments. I then described the criminal case currently under way by the NYAG's office against TMC, the shell companies they have created to collect money from owners against the specific orders of the Court, and included links as well as printed pages of two of the NYAG's latest Court documents against TMC and Eichner. I also included a copy of one of my monthly payment requests from T Park Central advising that my payment is overdue (as proof that I'm not making payments to Equiant Financial). I concluded by stating that I can no longer make payments to this criminal organization and am awaiting the outcome of the NYAG's investigation. I stated that, in the meantime, TransUnion's inclusion of any reporting against me by Equiant Financial was not only fraudulent, but in direct opposition to the Court's order that TMC and Eichner may take no action against timeshare owners for non-payment while this Court case is active. Almost exactly 3 weeks after mailing my letter, my credit score when up 50 points, jumped from "poor" to "good" again and, through CreditKarma, I saw that Equiant Financial was completely deleted from my TransUnion report. Yesterday, I received a letter from TransUnion advising that their investigation is complete and the account has been deleted. I highly recommend stopping all payments of any kind to TMC and it's co-companies. If one or more of your credit reports takes a hit, write them a letter giving all the facts and get the action reversed. The evidence is all in our favor and very much against TMC/Eichner.[/Q]