Report Abuse - 80859

Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Have owned since 1997 and have grown tired of the timeshare as well as really tired of their out of sight maintenance fees; especially when there's no physical changes that we were promised would occur every 5 years (back then.) I still see the same room motive/colors they had when we first bought. I'm afraid the owners of TMC merely skimmed off what they could and did minimal in return for the actual owners. Shameful business practices. I understand that the timeshares are with you forever, but I truly don't want to pass these nightmares on to anyone I care for. [Q=deborahs528] [Q=pseda] Another question for someone out there. Why don't these timeshare companies have to come up with an opt out for owners after a period of time? You would think the natural attrition from one generation to the next would be incorporated into their programs. The fact that people are locked into these for life is wrong!![/Q] The contract was written to sign you up for life and beyond...the timeshares become part of your total estate...I am well versed in this as I inherited my mother's 2 timeshares over 3 years ago. I was told I could not opt out of inheriting them unless I opted out of inheriting everything. Technically, if you have no heirs, they can come after your estate for the fees. I have been part of this forum since June 2014, I have been interviewed by Jeff Weir, I have written all the letters that we have been asked to write to the Judge and the AG. I have survived treatment for a rare blood disorder, breast cancer, lost my entire family and have chosen to continue to pay my fees and enjoy the place until there is a resolution, rather than be continually outraged. And I trust there will be some sort of resolution...whatever that may be...There are bad people out there and bad things happen...that is life.[/Q]