Report Abuse - 80213

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

colleenp, quoting your comments, "'m ready to fly from AZ to NYC show up in great numbers to make a ruckus and gain some Media attention with our personal stories of being forced to pay all TMC's bills with nothing in return, increasing in whatever amounts they choose. Who's with me and ready to make a surge and move this whole thing to some kind of resolution for owners??"...............if you look back at a few pages of this ( forum, you'll note i been writing (till my fingers get blisters) about having another meeting of TMC OWNERS IN NYC. jeff weir and greg crist did a fine job of arranging a similar meeting last august at a meeting venue in a masonic temple in downtown nyc.....chelsea. in the NEW YORK STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S weekly online newsletter there's a section containing a form inviting people to complete if they would like to have a presentation from his office at a venue of our choice. there's no guarantee that he would honor the presentation request , but it would be worth a try on OUR PART.....WE HAVE TO ACT, AND ACT NOW. THESE FORUM COMMENTS ARE GAINING US "ZILCH" IF THAT'S ALL WE'RE DOING: VENTING OUR FRUSTRATIONS IN WRITING............SORRY, BUT SPARE ME; WRITING HERE IS NOT ENOUGH!!!! we need to have another meeting as described above (last year's meeting was very well attended, but missed the mark, in my opinion>) if we were able to say that the NYSAG would be a presenter, we'd most likely have many more owners from afar (at least farther than the surrounding new york state area) intent on being there and picking the NYSAG'S BRAIN about the lawsuit. that being said, so far the reaction to my comments have been summarily ignored. not one of us has picked up on my strong suggestion to arrange this meeting for this summer, strongly urging the NYSAG TO OFFER US A PRESENTATION as the victims of KING IAN EICHNER'S SHABBY, SCHEMING AND FRAUDULENT treatment of us owners. as you wrote, "I'm ready to fly from AZ to NYC show up in great numbers to make a ruckus and gain some Media attention with our personal stories of being forced to pay all TMC's bills with nothing in return, increasing in whatever amounts they choose. Who's with me and ready to make a surge and move this whole thing to some kind of resolution for owners??" i hope my suggestions are the "surge to move this whole thing to some kind of resolution for owners." and, yes, yes, yes to our other suggestion to GAIN SOME MEDIA ATTENTION. let the new york media know of the meeting and invite them to attend as well. stay well. keep in touch. chris [Q=colleenp61] How many have been following this but not taking action yet? I am guilty as charged but after reading the ridiculous rebuttal from TMC towards the class action suite I'm ready to write another (non-emotional, factual) letter, I'm ready for the questionnaire, I'm ready to fly from AZ to NYC show up in great numbers to make a ruckus and gain some Media attention with our personal stories of being forced to pay all TMC's bills with nothing in return, increasing in whatever amounts they choose. Who's with me and ready to make a surge and move this whole thing to some kind of resolution for owners?? PS I am a biennial points owner. That should not exclude me. I pay 4x the amount for points at TMC to have the privilege to book there, which I never can and always have to book a hotel when I visit NYC. Not to mention I have to USE twice as many point to book time there. I could EASILY stay in the best hotels in NYC for an entire week (and no hassle for reservation) by the time I bank enough points to stay a whole week. $1,300 a year may not be looked at as a significant amount for ownership according to the TMC (in rebuttal to class action) but to me and our family - it is a lot and we can no longer give them money for free and then end up paying for a vacation elsewhere. Just a thought - can the judge access this forum to see how many problems we are dealing with just in this group alone? Maybe consider as evidence of the mass of dissatisfaction? And how many other forums are out there we can point to? Time to turn up the heat. Thanks to those who have already :)[/Q]