Report Abuse - 80177

Re: Better Business Lodging

I will repeat the most important phrase for anyone trying to sell or get rid of a timeshare: NEVER pay anyone money upfront that claims they can sell or get you out of your contract. If you do decide to sell check with your home resort and see if they have a resale program. If you decide to just get out of your ownership ask them if they have a " deed back " program. I got rid of two timeshares in 2011 that way. Now for a reality check. The Orlando area is the most over built timeshare location in the world. Unless your timeshare is among the top few in regards to upscale companies it probably has little or no value on the resale market. There are many options people rarely take advantage of on their own. You could list the property on this site or others on the internet including Ebay and Craigs list. There is also your local pennysaver type newspapers where you live. Someone might just be interested in your property especially when they discover it's in the Disney area. Don't forget the option of renting out your timeshare to offset the maintenance fees. I've done that many times. Make the effort to look into different choices. You will only get out what effort you are willing to put into solving your problem. I made it a priority to rid myself of my two timeshares in 2011 and they are now out of my name. You made a very wise decision to come to the forum and ask others for their advice now put in a little more effort and I'm sure you will make the right choice.