Report Abuse - 80069

Re: Diamond Resorts International (DRI) "THE CLUB" Points Program & Converting your Week to Points

Diamond has a voluntary surrender program if maintenance fees have become unmanageable. To review the rules cut and paste link: if browser does not go directly to site click on: How to get rid of your Diamond Resorts timeshare There is a rare opportunity to have your voice heard if you have purchased Diamond in AZ. The AZ Attorney General is one of just few offices that is actively investigating Diamond. Now is the time to move your experiences from bulletin boards to public record where they can contribute to a real solution. If you feel you have experienced fraud and/or deception in the sales process with Diamond describe it in a letter and send it to link below Ask that it be filed with case #CIC 16-4021; Diamond Resorts The AZ Department of Real Estate investigates violations of the real estate statutes and Commissioner’s Rules by licensed real estate brokers and salespeople. * A.R.S. § 32-2197.19(C) states, inter alia, “No developer or agent shall, in selling or leasing, or offering to sell or lease, any timeshare interest in a timeshare plan: 1. Employ any device, scheme or artifice to defraud. 3. Engage in any transaction, practice or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon a purchaser.” Below is link to their recovery fund whose purpose is to assist those that have been harmed.