Report Abuse - 78864

Re: Better Business Lodging

[Q=seanb136]To see if anyone has had any past dealings with them?...Maybe if we open up this discussion, it may save someone from making a mistake in the future. I know I have made more than my share over the years before finding! To just say don't pay up front may not help. Desperate people will try anything and that's how these sharks are able to make a living.[/Q] Some people have probably had dealings with them and likely ended up getting scammed. Many of these scam operations change their names quickly when the authorities start coming after them or when their victims report them to the Attorney-General. It does not matter what their name is, if they ask for a large, upfront fee to sell, rent out, market, or "cancel" your timeshare, then it is a scam. That has been repeated countless times on these boards. It's saved a few people from falling for this scam but others found RedWeek too late.