Report Abuse - 78608

Re: Suitelife Vacations anyone?

I was just going back and reading an email they sent last year on August 3rd. Within the email, it said "click here" for info regarding the special assesment. Doing so reveals a copy of an email dated March 30 regarding the calculation of this assesment fee. Most of the numbers seemed to be rounded off! Thy call it the "accounting breakdown"! It lists: Dreamlife Bankruptcy - $582,030 Cost to fix weeks gone bad to date - $200,000 Cost to fix future weeks - $225,000 Reserve fund replenishment - $150,000 Legal fees expected to date - $30,000 Total - $1,187,030 Then they said they divided the amount among the 3,000 members to arrive at the $399!! The only actual figure that doesn't seem to be rounded off or estimated is the bankruptcy amount! I am not an accountant but can they actually round off numbers like that when asking people to pay for something that is actually a result of a bad investment on their part? How can the figures be so neat and tidy, no uneven dollars or cents? Do we have exactly 3,000 member, not 3,005 or 2,996? Seems a bit fishy!! Try fling your tax return with estimated or rounded off figures and see if the government complies and just take you word for it. How did they even get the authority to come to the members without an official financial statement justifying the fee?? Wish there was some way for all members to get together and confront them!